
Unlocking Success: Overcoming Early Failure in Clinic Practice

Recently, I had the honor of being invited by Medvarsity – Hyderabad (Apollo Group) for a session, where I had the opportunity to share my views on the medical profession as a healthcare professional. For doctors, opening a clinical practice can be an exciting but difficult path. Early failures are common for doctors, which can be disheartening. …

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How to sell to a doctor: Tip 6 – Price and Quality Myth

As a professional sales coach in the healthcare industry, I have observed that many salespeople in front of doctors often make the mistake of harping on the words “Price and Quality” as if they were the only reasons for a doctor to buy anything. However, in today’s competitive market, it is assumed that your product …

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How to sell to a doctor: Tip 5- Role of the circle of influence

How doctors consider their circle of influence when making equipment purchases for their clinical practice. As healthcare providers, doctors have a crucial responsibility to provide their patients with the best possible care. Part of delivering quality care involves having access to the right tools and equipment. However, acquiring these tools can be a daunting task …

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How to sell to a doctor: Tip 4 – Role of Emotional Value

The Power of Emotional Values in a Doctor’s Decision to Buy Clinical Products When doctors are making decisions about which clinical products to buy, they take many factors into account. One of the most powerful factors is emotional values. These invisible and intangible qualities attach to a product or service, making it appear and feel …

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How to sell to a doctor: Tip 3- Role of Freedom of Choice

How the Emotional Factor of Freedom Influences the Buying Decision of a Doctor: As a healthcare industry sales coach, I have learned that doctors are like most people – they value their freedom. When it comes to buying decisions, the emotional factor of freedom plays a significant role in their thought process. In this blog …

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How to sell to a doctor: Tip 2 – The role of Unit of Satisfaction

How ‘Unit of Satisfaction’ Influences the Buying Decision of Doctors to Buy a Product or Service”: As a healthcare industry sales coach, I have seen firsthand how doctors make buying decisions. One important factor that influences their decision-making process is the “unit of satisfaction.” In this blog post, I will explore what the unit of …

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How to sell to a Doctor: Tip 1 – Role of Improvement-based buying decision

As a healthcare industry sales coach, I have seen firsthand how doctors make buying decisions. Understanding the psychology behind these decisions is critical for any salesperson looking to succeed in the healthcare industry. In this blog post, I will explore how improvement in life, practice, patient inflow, cash inflow, and other factors can influence a …

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